Pastor Tim Walsh
Pastor Tim Walsh serves at Grace of God Lutheran on Long Island, where WELS is supporting the congregation as a “home mission restart” ministry. His internship year was spent at Grace Lutheran in Falls Church, VA.
Before becoming a pastor, Pastor Walsh was a high school Spanish teacher in Milwaukee.
He and his family (wife Ruth, and three children, all under 5 years old) have
called Long Island their home since August 2021.
Presentation – Salmos 120-134 “Peregrinos cantantes somos” (“We are singing pilgrims”)
En su segunda carta, el apóstol Pedro dice que los cristianos somos “peregrinos” y
“extranjeros” en este mundo. No nos conformamos a sus ideas. No valoramos lo que
valoran. Pero en cambio ¿qué debemos valorar? ¿a qué imágen nos conformaremos?
Los salmos 120-134, los “cánticos de los peregrinos,” nos dan palabras para expresar
nuestra identidad en esta vida de peregrinaje.
In his second letter, Peter the apostle says that we Christians are “pilgrims” and “foreigners” in this world.
We don’t conform to its idea. We don’t value what the world values. But if that is so, what should we value? To what image shall we be conformed?
Psalms 120-134, the “Songs of Ascent,” give us words to express our identity in this pilgrim-life.